welcome to your personal revolution


this is the place for moms who are tired of flying off the handle,done with feeling like they're failing and are ready to step into the best version of themselves

I'm here for the moms who want more thAn just survival mode

First things first- I'm not here to sell you some magical solution to all your problems or tell you to manifest the life of your dreams by thinking happy thoughts and sipping green juice - NOPE.

I won't be giving you any generic bullsh*t advice that leaves you drowning in personal growth mumbo jumbo & getting you no where fast. HECK NO.

You've got real life problems that need real life solutions.

I'm the kick in the butt you need - your b.s free survival guide through the chaos of motherhood

We're in this together! 



Everything was going wrong and I was in the midst of a total shitstorm. I'd been juggling my chaotic life,trying to raise my babies while being a wreck from a ten year stint in a narcasstic relationship.

I was a mess - like " What-the-hell-am-I-doing-with-my-life?" kind of mess. I started dabbling in personal development, I was desperate for something, anything to change. And even though I was skeptical as hell and half-convinced it was all a bunch of BS, I gave it a chance. I mean, what did I have to lose?

But it became so much more than just a way for me to keep my sanity. I saw firsthand how shifting my mindset could turn my daily chaos into something a bit more manageable. It changed the way I interacted with MYSELF, my kids and the world around me. I started setting boundaries, and finally told my inner critic to shut the hell up. I found myself again. I stopped feeling like a mombie.I stopped stressing and started living again.  

Now as a personal growth coach, I use my hard earned wisdom to help other moms who are on the brink of losing their sh*t. Moms who are lost in the chaos of life. Moms who are heartbroken after a divorce.  I help them get their sh*t together. I help them chill the eff out & stop yelling at their kids. I help them reset their mindset & get back the vibe they lost somewhere in the laundry basket 

7 years ago I was a newly single mother of 2,with absolutely no sweet clue who I was anymore

Wondering who I am, how i got here and why the heck you should stick around?

my vibe in a nutshell

What goes around comes around and karma is what you make it


I believe:

Except in the spring around here - it smells like mildew and rains a lot - YUCKKK

I'd rather be outside

Movie - Grease 
Band - Aerosmith 
Drink - Coke,Coffee,Tea,Wine or vodka lemonade 
Snack- Beef jerky

My favorite:

Capricorn Moon, Aquarius Rising, ISTP, 4/1 Generator 

I'm a Scorpio Sun

I'm a no b.s kinda gal who says it like I see it and doesn't beat around the bush 

I'm Filterless

tired of feeling like a mombie? 

Realize your vibe

Personal growth coaching with cait