You don't need to put up with being a frazzled,overworked,underappreciated stressed out zombie.

You don't need to sacrifice your sanity to be a "good mom" (whatever the hell that means)

You don't need to follow some BS 12 step program that's more complicated than quantum physics.

All you really need is a straightforward, kick-ass no nonsense roadmap to rediscover yourself,reset your mindet and reignite that vibe of yours. 

It's not about some fluffy kumbya crap or meditating for hours on end. This is about finding what REALLY works for you.

You're looking for a life that lights you up,where you can be your best version of yourself and raise happy kids.

That's where I come in ! 

It's time to stop stressing and start living 

you can't pour from an empty cup   

Do you think you can raise happy kids without being a happy mom?

Let's rediscover who you are, give your mindset a makeover and reignite the vibe you thought you lost in the laundry basket

It's time to get your sh*t together

Look in the mirror and not only recognize the person staring back but LOVE her. 

Toss mom guilt out the window. You know you're doing your best and me-time isn't selfish 

Have a tribe of moms who get it and lift each other up instead of comparing or judging. 

Have the patience of a saint( well most of the time) and the kids actually listen without you going into banshee mode. 

Confident and calm knowing your kids are gonna turn out just fine becuase theyre watching you be the best version of you that you can be. 

Crushing your day and feeling happy rather then  drowning in a sea of laundry and half eaten chicken nuggets. 

Your inner critic will be put on mute and your inner cheerleader will be full volume 


How would it feel to...

after working with me

You're so freakin' tired of feeling stressed out and anxious all the time 

You're stuck in a rut and don't know how to get out of it 

You don't have good boundaries and can't say no to anyone

You don't even know where the f to start with getting your sh*t together to be the mom and human in the world you wish you were 

Your idea of me-time is sneaking a nap while the kids watch frozen for the 87th time

You're drowning in self doubt, second guessing everything from your parenting choices to your wardrobe

You're a zombie mom (a.k.a mombie)  on auto pilot just going through the motions

Your vibe is somewhere between meh and blah - pretty much flat-lining

I Bet you're feeling like:

Right now


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Realize your vibe

Personal growth coaching with cait